Monday, January 11, 2010

Club VII

Club VII is a Wine appreciation club started 7.07 PM on 7/7/2009 with 7 founding members , drinking 7 wines that were at least 7 years old.  Why 7? The number seven, considered lucky and sacred by the ancient Greeks is also seen in the number of days in a week, the seven wonders of the world. A good omen perhaps.. although it is really just a gathering of like minded people who enjoy the fruits of Bacchus and who are great company.

We had a Sunday Savignion Blanc lunch this weekend.. a leisurely affair that started at 1pm and carried on through wine after wine and course after course.  And by the time the cheese board and Port emerged, it was dark.  The evening only eventually wound down at 10pm after a great afternoon of wine tasting and talking..

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