Thursday, November 29, 2007

Milano, Italy

Continuing my love affair with all things Italian, it was great to spend three weeks working in Milan, Italy. Espresso, prosecco and proscuitto crudo topped my list, along with pasta from our local corner cafe. Bellisima!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Flying into Cape Town on a SAA Airbus full of European tourists for a long weekend rendevous, I was very glad to find Tristan and head out of the sirport up the Cape West Coast. The weekend was spent up at Paternoster, enjoying the desolate beaches, gorgeous fish restaurants on the beach and chilling. I did feel a touch like a tourist when I 'oohhed and ahhed' at the tortoises crossing the road and the ostriches running about in the West Coast National Park. Although the ostriches did make me think of biltong..