Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mauritian Magic

Not even two months into working at RMB and we're off to Mauritius for a division team long weekend. Now that's my kind of thing. White beaches, cocktails and sandy shores! Although considering the whilrwind that my first few weeks have been, it's a much needed break.

The Shandrani - 5 star style!

A group of us hopped onto 2 speed boats to head out to Ilse a Cerf and the Waterfall. What a gorgeous day!

We had a themed Pirate Party on the Friday night on one of the resort's private beaches. Lots of rum cocktails, dancing.. and a few of us ended up being thrown into the pool. Let's just say it was a late night (or early morning) where we ended up drinking whiskey on the beach.

And a view of 'So much of fishes" in the marine reserve!

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